Corporate design for the innovative Hidalgo Festival for young Classic in Munich. Graphic design and applications such as various posters, flyers, postcards, a festival guide with 36 pages, visuals for social media, website and screens at the events, labelling for locations such as buses or banners …
Illustrations made by AI.

Type in use:
o  Droulers / Bureaubrut
o  Trans Sans Premium  / Superiortype

HIDALGO Festival for young classical music: „We combine high culture, mainstream and niche. We break down the boundaries between genres and artistic genres. Together with top young artists, we bring classical music of the highest calibre to unusual venues.


HIDALGO Theme 2023 – People &  Machine / AI:
In times of ChatGPT and omnipresent debates about artificial intelligence, we dedicated our sixth season to the motto HUMAN MACHINE. With the mobile installation REFUGIUM, we delivered audiovisual art in a van: For more than six weeks, we toured Munich’s neighbourhoods with it, plus guest performances in Siegburg, Cologne and Stuttgart. We also decentralised our new edition of the STREET ART SONG format with around 80 mini-concerts throughout the city, with special cycle routes to various performances for the first time. Fantastic young artists competed against each other in the Grand Song Prize at Gasteig HP8 – and most recently, we were guests at Microsoft Germany’s headquarters: with the song lab WHO ARE YOU, we explored what happens when artificial intelligence meets artistic people.“

Thanks to Sophia, Phillip and the Hidalgo Team – it is a pleasure to work with you.

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